Why should we pay the seven Dollars?

It is a feature that has earned much criticism from people. Many non-blue subscribers have been targeting the people above them, the people who have Twitter Blue. They have been sending ‘Memes’ to them, laughing at how you spent 8 Dollars on Twitter. It seems like no matter what you bought it for, they make fun of it. Now why on Planet Elon would this make you want Twitter Blue? Well it is much more than just a Blue Checkmark.

The fools who have been making fun of Twitter Blue seem to have been missing out on what exactly it offers. From my observations, it seems as if they only think it only gifts you the Blue Checkmark, but in fact it gives you much, much more. You are awarded with the Blue Checkmark, longer Tweets, Tweeting with Bold and Italic characters, editing tweets, and longer videos in 1080p. That's a lot, a lot of useful abilities, but for most, that is still not the reason they had purchased Twitter Blue.

Yes, the Blue Checkmark looks appealing, and the features it offers is exceptional, but fools fail to understand that the selling point of it, the Blue Checkmark, is much more than just for looks. It signifies that you, with all your heart, support Free Speech.

If you like this website, if you love it for letting you speak your mind, then it is plainly idiotic not to pay at the bare minimum the seven dollar fee. By not paying for it, it shows that you are ungrateful for what it has gifted you, humor, information, sexual pleasure. It may take days, months, or even years until the balance changes, the ungrateful peasants shall be looked down on for being unable to pay the small price it costs, to support Free Speech.